Market your brand for free - ish

Apart from the cost of this course, and the tools you may choose to buy alongside it, we will take you through the essentials of marketing and branding, step by step.


Watch this video to hear more detail about what the course, who it’s for, and what you’ll get from it

This course is for you if…

You are building your brand and need marketing know how

You want to learn how to market your business

You are stuck in a rut with your marketing and need to gain more control

You want a marketing strategy and plan that focusses on the free stuff first

How it Works

  • Talk through the topic

    Under each module are 5 lessons. In each lesson Rosie will explain what the topic is in a 5 minute video, supported by handy bullet points.

  • Undertake the task

    Each lesson ends with a task for you to undertake. This is where the magic happens, as you are taking what you’ve learnt and applying it to your own business. There are downloadable worksheets for each, allowing you to work in a way that suits you, whilst creating a detailed Marketing Workbook.

  • Check in

    There is the option to sign up for a 1 on 1 with Rosie, meaning you can talk through your work, customise it, go through any stumbling blocks, and use it as an opportunity to get Rosie’s expertise on your business.

  • Module 1 - Business Strategy, The Groundwork

    Some of the basic questions are the hardest to answer. But if you can’t answer succinctly or clearly, no one will know what you do. And if no one knows what you do, you won’t have any customers. So we need to start at the beginning to find your position in the marketplace.

    Lessons: 1. What is your business? 2.Why do you exist? 3.Your Purpose 4.Market Mapping 5.Point of Difference

  • Module 2 - Product & Packaging

    How we package our products, price them, and find the right messaging to sell them is vital. Do you stand out in the marketplace?

    Lessons: 1. What is your product? 2. Viability & Priority 3.Product & Packaging Benefits 4.Messaging 5.Competition Cross Check

  • Module 3 - Target Audience

    To be anywhere close to successful, we have to appeal to our target audience - as they are our customer base. We need to dig deep into who they are to understand how we should speak and behave.

    Lessons: 1.Who are you selling to? 2.What are their passions? 3.What are their pain points? 4.What do they do in a day? 5.How do you want them to think, feel and act?

  • Module 4 - Tone of Voice

    Every brand needs an awesome and identifiable character. In this module we explore how to build out that character, both visually and verbally, and create guidelines to stick to it.

    Lessons: 1.What is a Tone of Voice? 2.How do you behave? 3.How do you speak? 4. Visual Identity 5.Reflection & Evolution

  • Module 5 - Website

    Now we start to get practical. This module will guide you through the steps to designing and creating a website, and discuss whether you want to create one yourself, or outsource it.

    Lessons: 1.Getting started 2.What does it need to do? 3.Navigation & Pages 4.Copy for each page 5.Website visuals

  • Module 6 - Social Media

    Social media is one thing every brand thinks they should do. Here we discuss the pros and cons before choosing which channel to work with, and then how to plan and create content.

    Lessons: 1.Do you need it? 2.Which platforms should you use? 3.Content Calendars 4.Content Creation 5.Influencers & Engagement

  • Module 7 - Other Free Channels

    There are many other ways to get your message out there without having to pay for it. Here we talk through some of these options, with practical steps that give you the start of a fruitful marketing plan.

    Lessons: 1.What is an ‘owned’ channel? 2.Newsletters 3.Public Relations 4.Partnerships 5.Referrals & Contacts

  • Online Course: £150

    This DIY course is simple and effective. After explaining each topic, there is a worksheet to fill out to start building your brand book and marketing strategy.

  • Online Course + 1 In-person Session: £250 (£50 discount)

    It can be really helpful to talk through the course to get personalised advice. This option offers a £50 discount.

  • Follow up Sessions, Anytime: £150 per session

    Book in a 1 on 1 session with me anytime. You don’t have to buy the course to go for this option.