nurturing your employees

In partnership with Expert Advice

More than two thirds of adults are not engaged at work. Only 13% say they are truly engaged. (Grit, Angela Duckworth) 

Aimed at those in the first 10 years of their career. They are most likely to be: 

New joiners who need a helping hand and outside guidance, providing an ear for any awkward questions and challenges whilst they get used to their new colleagues and remote ways of working. 

Those with the ‘itch’. They are the talent that you want to keep and invest in, but they may be thinking of moving on. 


New joiners. It’s no longer a time where new joiners soak up what they need to learn by being in and amongst their teammates. Remote ways of working can make learning by osmosis difficult and create a sense of isolation.  

Upskilling the team. This offers the skills of a marketing director without the cost of having to hire one.

based on my books

Using material from my experience, The Excellence Book (co-authored with Kevin Duncan for the 5th year edition) and The Early Career Book (out Nov 2023)

 Typically mentoring takes these 3 stages: 

  • 1. Where are you now?

    Values. Work you vs. Personal you. Is there a disconnect? 

    Mentality. Attitude, and the ability to reframe situations to be more positive and productive 

    Financially. What do you need to make you happy? What steps can you take to get there? 

    Creating tangible objectives to work towards. 

  • 2. Development & habit forming  

    Productive. Ways of working to keep you at your most productive 

    Communication skills. How to actively listen and communicate clearly to your team. 

    Understanding the wider business context, patterns, what’s available to you to satisfy your objectives. 

    Creating short term and long terms steps to achieve your goals.  

  • 3. Progressing

    How to be your best self at work

    Yous Skills. How to be seen for the skills that uniquely suit you (presentation skills, creativity, project management...) 

    Finding the opportunities available to you right now to progress your career in the space you’re currently in 

    Creating a confident employee who is re-energised and keen to progress.